Before you read

This page contains Terms of Service of Sachiko Hitsujiyama's commission process.For the pricing of commissions click on the button:

For rigging examples:


  • By reading this document and showing intent of commissioning me, you agree to the following:

  • terms outlined on this page

  • keep in contact with me and provide feedback or acknowledgement every time I send you an update

  • you ensure that you are above 18 and have enough funds to purchase digital goods, preferably money that you have earned yourself

Commission process

  • Please, write me a DM on Twitter or on Discord (SachiHitsuji#3224) and I will inform you on the commissions situation

  • Clients are expected to pay full sum after the commission is delivered.

  • Payments are only made through PayPal.

  • Updates for the commission will be sent through Discord. Updates may come in the form of pictures, videos, or test models. Revision section (further down) describes when test models will be sent as well as details about revisions.

  • The commission is considered done once the final work has been delivered and client has given approval or if the client hasn’t replied within 48 hours.

When I will get my commission?

Commissions will be delivered WITHIN 3 to 4 months of me starting the commission. I am currently in university, streaming, and making YouTube content. If you need the commission on a specific date, please do inform me.

Revisions, Updates and Client's feedback

Test models

The client will be sent test models 3 times during the commission process, when the following have already been rigged: (a) eye blinking and mouth, (b) head angles (without physics), and when the rigging is almost done.

When revisions are free?

First, the client is encouraged to provide any kind of feedback during the commission process to ensure the quality of the model.
During the commission process, minor revisions are free but there is a certain threshold for the quantity of minor revisions. As long as the artist asks for feedback from the client, the client could still ask for minor revisions and point out mistakes in rigging.
The artist will make sure to inform the client if their free revisions are almost up. Once the artist has informed the client that they have used all of their free revisions, the artist shall propose a price for additional revisions (whether minor or major revisions).
Major revisions before and after delivering the completed work are not free. For minor revisions after delivery of the final work, please consult with the artist since it may be free.

What are major revisions?

Major revisions can be any of the following:

  • change of clothes

  • additional animations

  • additional expressions

  • changing animations

  • change of more than 10% of the model's layers.

The price for any addition to the model will be discussed. The client is also encouraged to check with the artist for any revision.

Client's Role and Etiquette

  • The client is expected to check for mistakes in rigging such as clipping, displacement of parts, and any general mistakes in rigging that are obvious and greatly lowers the quality of the model.

  • The client should also provide all of their feedback within 48 hours of receiving an update from the artist. This is to help save time and make the commission process more efficient.

  • When giving feedback, it is highly encouraged to be detailed and that desired corrections to be requested are final. This is to save time and ensure that all efforts are meaningful.

  • Please do not micromanage the artist.

What behaviour is NOT allowed

  • forcing the artist to rig a certain style / rig in another style

  • requesting for changes that are out of control of the artist (ex. asking for changes in illustration when you have availed for a rigging-only service)

  • being excessively nit picky

  • wanting to be particular but requesting a revision without a clear idea, proper references, and direction

If the client refuses to be civil, becomes excessively nit picky, or requests too many things way beyond the skill of the artist, the artist reserves the right to terminate the commission.

Nevertheless, the client is encouraged to give feedback and the artist will inform the client once they have gone past their boundaries.

Intellectual Property and Commercial Use Terms

  • The client should give credit to the artist in their social media biographies and Twitch and/or YouTube channel descriptions. ex. ママ: Sachiko Hitsujiyama , Rigger: Sachiko Hitsujiyama

  • The client may use this model for commercial purposes such as streaming and social media graphics.

  • If the artist was the one who had illustrated and/or designed the model, the client is not allowed to use the Live2D illustration for merchandise. An additional fee will be charged in order to be granted this specific right.

  • If the artist was hired only for rigging services, the client may ask for help in posing the model for other commercial purposes besides streaming and social media graphics.

  • The client WON'T be receiving the original and editable Live2D file, only the files ready for facial tracking.

  • If the client wishes to make changes to the model through another artist, they should inform Sachiko first with invoices from the new model artist. Once the proof of invoice and confirmation has been made, Sachiko will send the artist the editable model files.

  • Once given the file, the artist or client is NOT allowed to redistribute the model files or post it in the public domain. The artist or client is not allowed to send the model files to other people unless it’s another artist making adjustments.

  • The client or new model artist is NOT allowed to modify the model.

  • If the client wishes to resell the model, they should seek permission from the artist first and resell the model without making any modifications to said model.

  • The client or new model artist is NOT allowed to take parts of the model, modify it, and/or reuse it for personal and commercial purposes.


  • The artist has the right to use the work for their portfolio and promotion of commissions.

  • If the artist has illustrated and rigged the model, they have the right to resale. This is applicable in the event that the client does not desire to use the model any time during and right after the commission process, has filed a chargeback, or if the client decided to not continue with the commission in the middle of the process. The artist also has the right to modify the model in order to make it fit for reselling.

  • The artist may modify the model in any way when providing model updates for a client. These updates may include changes in textures, clothing changes, facial feature updates, and hair changes.

  • The artist is allowed to reuse textures which are which are common to all models e.g. background effects, glasses, accessories.

  • The artist is NOT allowed to reuse textures drawn by another artist.

  • The artist is NOT allowed to modify and resell an already completed model commission.

Prices in USD


  • Fullbody: 500-600$ (depends on complexity) art + rigging

  • Halfbody: 350-400$ (depends on complexity) art + rigging

  • Additional expressions: 20$ per expression (excluding Blush and No Eye Shine)

  • Concept only: 200-300$ (additional charges might be made)

  • Rig only: same as art + rigging (due to the current situation)

  • Usual commercial fee: 30$

Commission process

  • Please, write me a DM on Twitter or on Discord (SachiHitsuji#3224) and I will inform you on the commissions situation

  • Clients are expected to pay full sum after the commission is delivered.

  • Payments are only made through PayPal.

  • Updates for the commission will be sent through Discord.

  • The commission is considered done once the final work has been delivered and client has given approval or if the client hasn’t replied within 48 hours.

Prices in USD

Normal prices